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Welcome to the root of the Kentucky Turneys websites.

On a BB riverboat, 2006

Why we established this domain

The diverse interests of The Kentucky Turneys -- Rebecca, Michael and Shannon -- have been demonstrated on various websites and social media for years. But, these websites and posts were independent of one another and were hosted on servers sponsored by unrelated organizations. By creating this domain and top-level site we have been able to consolidate a number of our on-line activities in one place that serves as a portal to the online world of the Kentucky Turneys. It won't encompass everything we do online, but it will make it easier for you to keep in touch with at least some of what we're doing.


Kentucky Girls Books are Rebecca's "third career."

When Motes Books published Road to Pleasant Hill, written by Rebecca and her sister Marie, we launched the Kentucky Girls Books website to support what will become a wide-ranging series of historical novels for young readers. They're patterned after the highly popular American Girl books but focus solely on Kentucky. They'll all be set in Kentucky, but in different time periods and regions of state. The website asserts: "Our goal is to write books featuring young heroines in historically accurate settings that will nourish today’s girls’ interest in women’s history, develop their appreciation of how women’s issues have evolved over time, and encourage them to be proactive in securing their own places in the world."

book cover

Michael's instructional public relations site is the oldest and largest in our domain.

Michael began writing his Online Readings in Public Relations and created an extensive PR Class website when he taught at Northern Kentucky University. Even then, the site served public relations students at dozens of schools besides NKU and, when he retired, he further expanded it to serve PR professionals as well. At that time, NKU said the site could remain on its servers indefinitely. But, when NKU later announced it would no longer support such "personal faculty websites," the site was renamed and moved to this server as

Currently out-of-service websites previously maintained by The Kentucky Turneys.

Princess on cat mat

        Rebecca's cat mat site

Shannon & Ed's wedding

Shannon & Ed's wedding site        

Contact Us   |   Updated: 3 March 2019   |   © 2010-2019 Michael Turney